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  • Facilitation from the Heart

    If you are a trainer or facilitator, chances are you play a role in facilitating leadership development either in your internal organization or with your customers.  In this video, Michelle Cummings, co-founder of Personify Leadership will discuss how intention plays a key part in facilitating a successful program.

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    0 2381
  • Emotional Resiliency and Stress

    Are you experiencing any stress this month?  How does stress relate to your ability to be an Emotionally Resilient leader? (more…)

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    0 2152
  • The Mind of a Leader: Emotional Resiliency

    In this video, we share a few insights on Emotional Resiliency and research that helps deal with the challenges of an ever-changing and busy world.

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    2 2091
  • The Ears of a Leader

    In this video, we share insights on how to be a leader who truly listens to others.  If you struggle with listening attentively, as most people do, take a minute to listen to a new perspective on this common challenge.

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    0 2656
  • Using 5 Methods of Learning to Develop Leadership

  • Facts & Emotions

    In this video, we share insights into the importance of having courage to acknowledge facts and surface emotions.

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    0 1754
  • Personify Leadership – Delegation

    In this short video, we share some further insights into the challenges of delegation and what we can do to overcome them. Delegation is important in helping organizations grow and become more effective.

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    0 1949