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  • The Courage to Delegate

    “If you are a leader who hasn’t assembled a team you can trust then you’re not a leader.”

    Colin Powell on the Importance of Delegation

    Mateo is a leader ready to move to the next level in his career. He had been very successful where he was for quite a long time. He knew how he was viewed in his division but his organization is global. He wanted to know how he was viewed by others who he had interacted with throughout the years outside of his immediate division. He asked me to assist him in learning more. Mateo gave me a list of key leaders that he would want to potentially work for in other parts of the company and he wanted to know how they viewed his leadership potential. (more…)

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  • Leading Out of Drama Webinar

    Nate Regier, Ph.D, is the co-founder, owner and chief executive officer of Next Element, a global advisory firm specializing in leadership communication. He is a former practicing psychologist with a doctorate in clinical psychology. Regier is an expert in social-emotional intelligence and leadership, positive conflict, mind-body-spirit health, neuropsychology, group dynamics, interpersonal and leadership communication, executive assessment and coaching, organizational development, team building and change management.

    Nate recently published a book called “Conflict without Casualties”. Join Angela as she interviews Nate about his discoveries around a concept he calls “Leading without Drama”. (more…)

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  • Listening for the Signs of Stress

    A 2015 working paper from Harvard and Stanford Business Schools took a look at 10 common job stressors: from lack of health insurance, to long working hours, to job insecurity. Researchers then considered how the mental and physical effects of these forms of stress related to mortality. The paper found that health problems stemming from job stress, like hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and decreased mental health, can lead to fatal conditions that wind up killing about 120,000 people each year-making work-related stressors and the maladies they cause, more deadly than diabetes, Alzheimer’s, or influenza. (more…)

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  • Sorry Senora, but we can’t let you into our country

    This month we are focusing on The Feet of a Leader.  In this video, Angela shares a lesson learned story about her recent international travels where the Mind and Feet of a Leader were essential to deal with a difficult situation.


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  • Be a Leader Who Walks the Talk

    This month we are focusing on The Feet of a Leader.  You know that there is a great leader within you, and you have the tools to provide guidance to those around you. But do others perceive you as a leader? Are you really exuding the qualities that you embody, and showing up as your best self? (more…)

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  • Choosing What is Hard and Not What is Easy

    Recently I was asked by my son’s school to be on the hiring committee to hire the new principal for the 2016-2017 school year.  Our current beloved principal, Ms Watson, is retiring next month, and she has been a tremendous leader.  When she became the school principal in 2004, the school was in disarray.  They were in bad shape financially, over a million dollars in debt and there were allegations of embezzlement and fraud from the previous leader.   (more…)

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  • The Courage to Address Participant Behavior

    Today we’re going to talk about Facilitator Courage.  Specifically we’re going to talk about the courage it sometimes takes to address disruptive participant behaviors. (more…)

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  • Courageous Conversations

    So what is a courageous conversation?  It is saying what is needed to be said in a way that others will hear it, with respect and concern with the other person.  It means minimizing the threat that you represent while still staying true to the virtue of your message. (more…)

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  • The Spine of a Leader: When Life Kicks Us Out

    Do we move on or do we go deeper?
    You know that feeling when everything is going exactly as you want it? You awake excited and passionate about your day. The sun is shining and the birds are singing. On your way to work you hit all the green lights while your favorite song plays on the radio.


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